

 I have spent the last ten years of my life on growing wisdom and getting training in film. Now I plan to combine commercial TV-series with art film.

First and foremost I'm a dad. Everything comes secondary to my son.  

New Thinking in Film

I believe it's time to make movies that mean a lot more to people than merely entertainment. It's time for a rebirth of cinema. It's time for new stories in which meaningfulness, friendliness and helping people are core values.

Growing Wisdom, 10 years

'I spent ten years growing wisdom and training to be a master in film.

Infotainment in Cars, 4 years

I helped major companies with entertainment and information in car interiors. I prepared for ten years to be a leader in one of the major industries world wide.

Growing Knowledge, 10 years

I spent years learning and growing knowledge with focus on interactive storytelling. For me humanity & human rights were important then, and even more so today.


I don't use social media. It took too much time, energy and focus. And to be honest the news feed didn't appeal that much to me. So, if you are interested in collaborating or if you want to ask me something, please send me an email. I'll try my best to write back. And one more thing..  it may take a while :-)